Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Finally figured out how to make this stupid page work!

Hey everyone!

Well, it's a few days until my trip across the big pond, I've got about five hundred things to do in three days, but I thought it was worth the time to figure out how to make this site work, seeing as how this is how I said I'd keep in touch with 75% of you out there. Incidentally, my e-mail address is jeff.caffery@gmail.com, for those of you who would like to send something just to me, instead of posting here. I don't know how everything on this site works yet, I'll be trying out functions on the fly. If you can't get anything to work, let me know. We'll all learn together.


Anonymous said...

Jeff, Have a safe and exciting journey to your new home!

Anonymous said...

You're done? Good luck and have a safe flight!

Jeff Caffery said...

Thanks guys! Good to hear from you, Nicole! Shoot me an e-mail and let me know how things are in Seattle.